Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Preschool Blues

This morning Braydon was having a particularly hard time being three. He was emotional, but on pretty good behavior considering. We stopped at the Starbucks near the college for a little morning pick me up and he made friends with a firefighter. The firefighter gave Braydon a Jr. Firefighter badge - dog tag style. This made Braydon so entirely happy that I thought the rest of his day would be pure bliss. He smiled and played with the badge the whole way to class. We saw one of his friends on the way in and he was even happier as he talked to me about what he and his friend would do today. When we got inside the preschool, I had him put his badge in my purse for "safe keeping" and signed him in, as he merrily skipped away to wash his hands and begin his day.

Before I even finished signing him into the computer, Braydon was running at me with all his force, crying hysterically. He told me that he hated school and never wanted to come back! I tried to ask him what happened but all he said was that he wasn't staying. Suddenly the director of the preschool was there, patting Braydon on the back and asking him if (insert boy's name here) pushed him. WHAT! I thought, but didn't say. Apparently some trouble maker at the school has been picking on Braydon. The director took Braydon and calmed him down, made the little brat apologize to my baby and then got him to paint with a few of his friends.

I could not believe the pain in his eyes, but he's over it and the woman from his school handled it so well. I just hope my attempts to be extra nice and let him stay up late today to watch a Halloween movie compensate for the bad day he had.

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